YBhg Tan Sri Abdul Halim bin Ali
YBhg Tan Sri Abdul Halim bin Ali, aged 62, was appointed Chairman of MBSB on June 22, 2001. Upon graduation from
University of Malaya, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1966. After several domestic and foreign postings, he was
appointed the Malaysian Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in 1979. He was appointed Ambassador
to Vietnam in 1982 and returned to Malaysia in 1985 to be Deputy Secretary General III (Administration) in the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs before being appointed Ambassador to Austria. In 1991, he again returned to Malaysia to be Deputy
Secretary General I (Political Affairs) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in 1996 he was promoted to Secretary General.
In September 1996, he was appointed Chief Secretary to the Government, the highest ranking civil service post in the
country and was responsible for overseeing and coordinating the policies of the government and their implementation. He
retired in March 2001, at which time he was made Chairman of the Employees Provident Fund, a position he currently holds.
He sits on the Board of Directors of Cycle & Carriage Bintang Berhad, Esso Malaysia Berhad, Malakoff Berhad, and LCL
Corporation Berhad and the Chairman of the Multimedia Development Corporation.
MBSB Annual Report 2005